Biden’s Lying – Joe Decides To Wait, Will Not Sign Contracts For The “Desperately Needed” 500 Million Test Kits Until 22

Wow, millions of Americans heard President Biden express his concern for their health and his promise to send out 500 million COVID test kits right away.

Last week President Biden told ABC News’ David Muir in an interview; “I’ve ordered half a billion of the … test kits that are going to be available to be sent to every home in America if anybody wants them,”

“But the answer is,” Biden continued in response to Muir’s question if the absence of testing kits during the omicron chaos was “a failure.”

“I don’t think it’s a failure,” Biden claimed. “I think it’s — you could argue that we should have known a year ago, six months ago, two months ago, a month ago.”

“I wish I had thought about ordering 500 million at-home tests two months ago,” he said.

Despite Biden’s comments last week, Biden previously promised on February 17 and March 11 that he would have tests available for those in need.

So with Joe’s promised sense of urgency this time, the 500 million coronavirus test kits are surely on their way, correct?

Nope, according to White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients, the Biden administration will wait until 2022 to sign contracts for the highly in-demand 500 million coronavirus test kits.

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