THE PLAN! Buttigieg Tells Americans to Buy Electric Vehicles to Save Money on Gas – Average Cost of EV is Over $55,000 (VIDEO)

In line with the Great Reset goal of zero emissions by 2050, the Biden Regime is pushing their radical ‘green’ agenda causing gas prices to soar.

The national average for gas just topped $4 a gallon in the US with places like California paying nearly $6.

Joe Biden doesn’t care if you are living paycheck to paycheck? No problem!

Department Of Transportation Secretary Pet Buttigieg’s solution to combat out-of-control energy costs is to go out and buy a new 50K Electric Vehicle, while he ignoring the massive huge car payment they would take.

Clean transportation can bring significant cost savings for the American people as well,” Buttigieg said on Monday. “…People from rural to suburban to urban communities can all benefit.”

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