Lindsey Graham Savaged Over Pro-Biden Video

Lindsey Graham occasionally presents himself as a conservative with a backbone a laughable lie to anyone who has kept up with him over time; he might occasionally say the right things when doing so is politically safe, but he’s far, far from being a rock-ribbed conservative.

Well, he proved that yet again, releasing a video on TikTok in which he praises Joe Biden. Watch it here:

“If you can’t admire Joe Biden as a person.. you’ve got a problem and you need to do some self-evaluation, ’cause what’s not to like? He’s the nicest person I think I’ve ever met in politics. He is as good a man as God ever created.”

“As good a man as God ever created.” Really, Lindsey? Biden, the pro-abortion leftist that chose a US Supreme Court justice based on her skin color and melanin, the guy that might have sexually assaulted Tara Reade and slandered Justice Clarence Thomas, he’s as good a man as any? Doubtful.

Further, if Lindsey is on the opposite side of Biden, why release the video? Biden is a liberal radical who is wreaking havoc on America’s economy, causing disaster abroad, and empowering the left to keep pushing radical policies on the American populace.

Well, those who saw the video were quick to criticize Lindsey.

Why South Carolina keeps electing his man, is beyond me…

Why does he look like he’s going to cry? Why does he sound like he’s going to cry? Weird. #PrimaryRINOs

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