Creepy Joe “I Love Your Dress! It’s Magnificent!” – Joe Biden Creeps on Little Girls During Tour of Elementary School, Tells Them ‘Not to Date’ Until They’re 30 (VIDEO)

Once again Joe Biden crossed the line and didn’t seem to know that he was doing it.

Joe Biden on Friday toured an elementary school in Philadelphia, PA to highlight the impacts of his American Rescue Plan.

As usual, creepy Uncle Joe just couldn’t help himself around the children.

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Biden looked at one of the little girls and gushed over her dress: “I love your dress! It’s magnificent!”

Joe Biden also asked the little girls their ages and told them not to date guys until they are 30.

Why does Joe Biden always do this?

The White House cut the feed after Joe Biden called one of the little girls “baby.”

The question is why does Joe focus on children whenever possible?

He is just an overly friendly senior citizen, a Grandpa Joe, or is he is a sexual predator who is so mentally depraved he doesn’t realize he is acting out, even in front of cameras?

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