Zelensky Not A “Hero,” Says Retired Colonel, News Host Shocked – VIDEO

The narrative concerning the Russian invasion of Ukraine has focused on the “heroic” leadership of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Unlike most of the political pundits and conditioned American population though, a retired U.S. colonel and Pentagon advisor Douglas MacGregor is doing quite the opposite.

He’s not so sure about the man who everyone is calling a modern-day hero

According to MacGregor, Zelensky should have remained more neutral, instead of trying to be a hero, putting his people at “unnecessary risk”.

MacGregor somewhat shocked the FOX News host by implying Zelenskyy is a puppet for others who are actually pulling his strings, which is why the conflict is getting drawn out.

Let’s put it this way – Joe Biden is taking a “regional conflict” and eagerly turning into a worldwide calamity….and he’s doing that for a reason, and Zelensky is going along with it for a reason.

Watch the video, the host gets more disturbed with each comment coming from the colonel.

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