NYC Dem Candidate Is Anti-Cop Rapper Who Lights Up Twitter with His Rants

A rapper who is running for the position of Democratic Brooklyn district leader has reportedly posted a series of offensive, anti-police social media posts.

Even as the Tweets were made public by the New York Post, Noah Westson, 37, published another Tweet on Sunday evening which said, “everything I said was accurate and I would say it again”.

The New York Post revealed the rapper, who goes by the stage name ‘Soul Khan’ has a long history of anti-cop rants about the NYPD. In some social media posts, Westson calls officers “f-ing pigs” and “sacks of sh—” for, according to him, failing to support the city’s homeless problem:

“The greatest threats in this city are Eric Adams and the NYPD” he commented on Saturday about a post in which cops cleared a homeless camp in the city.

The woke, white rapper then went on to call Adams a “morally grotesque piece of sh—”.

In rants that condemned cops for everything Weston could conjure, from supposedly spreading COVID to the poor by not wearing masks to apparently resorting to violent and racist attacks against the public, the rapper who is running for district leader in Brooklyn’s 46th Assembly District held nothing back.

“It is genuinely more productive to wipe your ass with money than to spend it on cops”, the political hopeful Tweeted in May.

“f– the f-ing pigs ‘til the day their misbegotten lives end abolish these ogrish sacks of s***,” read another post.

All I can Brooklyn is just say no to this fascist fool!

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