Trump Blows Up on Far Left in Awesome Easter Message

Easter might generally be a day meant for forgiveness and repentance, and as such most political statements on the day have something to do with those qualities, but Trump is in it to win it, so he sounded off on the far left in his Easter message.

Well, not at first. His first “Save America” Easter statement was shockingly tame and nice, showing the former president’s nice and kind side. In it he said:

“Happy Easter to all. May there be great peace and prosperity throughout the World!”

But then he switched back into his normal gear and followed it up with a blistering attack on the New York Attorney General who has done so much to persecute him, saying:

Happy Easter to failed gubernatorial candidate and racist Attorney General Letitia James. May she remain healthy despite the fact that she will continue to drive business out of New York while at the same time keeping crime, death, and destruction in New York!

Now that’s a funny Easter statement, nearly perfect in its Easter tone and backhanded slap.

Oh, and that wasn’t it. He also skewered the far left generally in another Easter statement (3 statements for the three crosses?), saying:

Happy Easter to all including the Radical Left Maniacs who are doing everything possible to destroy our Country. May they not succeed, but let them, nevertheless, be happy, healthy, wealthy, and well!

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