Is This the PROOF That We Have All Been Waiting For?

The claims that the 2020 Presidential election was wrought with fraud and abuse have been sung from every mountain top in the land, and by every conservative politician or public figure of note. Conversely, claims that it was the most secure election in the history of Presidential politics have been spoken on every liberal street corner and by every mainstream media personality in the country.

The American public has become tired of both sides, having been beaten down by the rights claim of a “rigged” election, and weary of the lefts claim that this was a white glove tested, perfectly executed demonstration of democracy in action. Both sides have staked claims to the truth, yet neither seems to be giving an inch of territory…but why?

What has been missing is proof.

There have always been instances of voter fraud in elections, but to date, the cases have been limited to smaller geographic areas or concentrated in a particular election contest. Never has there been proof of an effort to modify an election result on a national level, until now.

Documentary filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza’s latest project, a movie entitled “2000 Mules” dives deep into the 2020 Presidential election and uncovers truly shocking technological proof of WIDESPREAD voter fraud. Using a combination of embedded GPS technology, video security camera footage, and interviews with perpetrators of actual vote fraud, Dinesh and his team have assembled the most impressive compilation of evidence yet seen.

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