Jim Jordan Proposes Perfect Solution for Biden’s Disinformation Board

Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio sounded off on the new Biden “Disinformation Governance Board” during a recent appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria”.

Speaking about the Orwellian Disinformation Board and how the GOP can fight back against it, particularly after retaking power in November of 2022, suggesting that the GOP should use its power over the purse at that time to stop any funding for the board. In his words:

You write into the appropriations bill, no money in the appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security can be used for the Disinformation Governance Board which is going to limit the speech of the American people.

“That’s how. You write that into — as a rider on the appropriations bill, and you tell Chuck Schumer and you tell the White House, if the Republicans are in control of the House or in control of the full Congress, we’re not going to pass the appropriations bill unless that language is there. Because we’re going to protect the First Amendment.

That’s the only — that’s the leverage we have, and we’re going to have to be willing to use that, if, in fact, the American people put us back in control. Which, I think, frankly they’re getting ready to do.”

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