Elon Musk Blasts NBC After Host Suggests Republicans Are Nazis

Elon Musk slammed NBC News on Monday in response to a rant from a far-Left MSNBC host who claimed that Musk bought Twitter and turned it over to “the far-right.”

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan, who has compared non-Muslims to “cattle,” tried to downplay America’s far-Left by claiming that they only want to “give us free health care and free childcare” while claiming that the far-right “wants to give us white supremacy and no democracy.”

“And this asymmetrical polarization of U.S. politics would be laughable if it weren’t so horrifying,” Hasan said. “We are living through an unspeakably dangerous moment, the pro-QAnon, pro-neo Nazi faction of the Republican Party is poised to expand dramatically come the midterms. We’re just two years away from Donald Trump very possibly reseizing executive power. If that happens, we may look back on this past week as a pivotal moment when a petulant and not so bright billionaire casually bought one of the world’s most influential messaging machines, and just handed it to the far right.”

“NBC basically saying Republicans are Nazis,” Musk responded. “Same org that covered up Hunter Biden laptop story, had Harvey Weinstein story early & killed it & built Matt Lauer his rape office. Lovely people.”



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