Speaker Pelosi On Mother’s Day: It’s ‘Disrespectful’ To Not Allow Women To Have Abortions

Just like President Biden, when the U.S. House Speaker gets in front of a camera, she also is sure to lie, distort and/or have a brain freeze each time.

On Sunday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) tried to attach abortion “rights” to Mother’s day, which seems illogical to me. Pelosi slammed those who do not support abortion during an interview saying that their position is “disrespectful” to women.

Nervous Nancy’s remarks on Mother’s Day were made on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” with Margaret Brennan. The comments come after an early draft of a United States Supreme Court majority opinion leaked last Monday that indicated the controversial Roe v. Wade decision would likely be struck down.

The draft, written by Justice Samuel Alito, stated that “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start” and “we hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.”

Pelosi commented:

“This is a constant fight that we’ve had for generations, decades, I should say in my case in the Congress and we had been bipartisan early on, support for a woman’s right to choose until the politics have changed,” Pelosi claimed. “And that’s what happened with the court. The science hasn’t changed … but the court changed.”

“This is about something so serious and so personal and so disrespectful of women,” she said. “Here we are on Mother’s Day, a week where the court has slapped women in the face in terms of disrespect for their judgments about the size and timing of their families. So, the fact is, let’s keep our eye on the ball. The ball is in the court of those justices.”

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