University Cancels Race And Equity Listening Sessions, Accused Of Segregation.

Increasingly those in leadership at colleges and corporations around the U.S. are feeling more and more pressure from the social justice activists to conduct CRT and equity seminars for their students and employees respectively.

Anderson University, a small Christian school in Indiana, has postponed a scheduled listening session on the subjects of race and equity – following backlash for planning to separate the sessions according to the races of the attending students.

“It has become apparent that our plans for listening sessions have caused concern,” college President John S. Pistole said. “As such, we have postponed all sessions to ensure we move forward positively with our students and to ensure that all stakeholders, both inside and outside of AU, fully comprehend our institutional mission.”

Peter Kirsanow of the U.S. Commission on Civil rights, informed the Pistole in a letter that segregated listening sessions are a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

“Please note that there is no ‘unless you have good intentions’ exception to Title VI and Title VII,” Kirsanow wrote. “Students and employees may not be excluded from participation in a program due to their race or segregated by race. Racial segregation is still unlawful, even if it advantages the ‘right’ racial categories for the ‘right’ reasons. Regardless of any ideological posturing, the law on this matter is clear.”

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