Texas AG Open Investigation To See If State Lawyers’ Group Aided Border Crossing Migrants

Opening a new front on the war against illegal immigration, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has launched a probe into whether the state bar is misappropriating charitable funds to aid the massive migrant crisis at the border.

Paxton said evidence he received from Rep. Troy Nehls, a Republican congressman from Texas, and other complainants gave him probable cause to open the investigation into the Texas Bar Foundation.

“Unfortunately, at the very time that our state is facing an unprecedented border crisis and our brave men and women are serving Texas in Operation Lone Star, it appears that the liberal State Bar’s handpicked cronies are misusing charitable funds to make the situation even worse,” Paxton said Friday.

“I will not let this illegal behavior continue any further. Thank you to Congressman Nehls and other concerned citizens for bringing this to my attention,” he added.

In a letter to Texas Bar Foundation, Paxton said he had received information that the group, the charitable arm of the state lawyers’ bar, “is knowingly giving donations to entities that encourage, participate in, and fund illegal immigration at the Texas-Mexico border.

“Specifically, the complaints indicate the Texas Bar Foundation provides grants to organizations that support, fund, and encourage illegal immigration. The complaints allege this is an improper use of charitable funds such that funds are diverted from their intended purpose,” the letter added.

Paxton demanded the bar turn over to his investigators evidence that includes documentation showing:

  • All grants to immigration-related charitable programs and organizations for the past 10 years;
  • The monitoring, reporting and accountability requirements for use of those funds awarded to such organizations;
  • the Foundation’s final accounting and reporting from the grantee organizations reflecting how the funds were specifically utilized;
  • Board and/or committee meeting minutes discussing the awarding, monitoring, reporting and accounting of any such programs and/or grantee organizations.
  • Names of appointees made to the Texas Bar Foundation by the current State Bar of Texas President Sylvia Borunda Firth.

You can read the full letter here.File Paxton20220506_TBF Info Request.pdf

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