Unhinged: Biden Calls MAGA GOP Extreme, Sen Warren Wants Investigation Into Pro-Life Justices

Two prominent leaders of the Democratic party are making outrageous comments this week.

Following the leak of a Supreme Court initial draft majority opinion on a Mississippi abortion law, which would overturn Roe v. Wade, President Biden and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) both came out swinging.

President Joe Biden delivered a partisan political speech from the White House on Wednesday warning of the “extreme” agenda from “MAGA” Republicans.

“This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that has existed in American history,” Biden said, referring to the Make America Great Again movement sparked by former President Donald Trump.

Senator Warren is demanding a criminal investigation of ‘extremist’ pro-life Supreme Court justices.

The far-left Senator implied she wants to see Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh investigated for a potential ruling to reverse Roe v. Wade. Chief Justice John Roberts confirmed the authenticity of the draft opinion, but the ruling is not finalized yet.

According to ABC News, Warren said,

“What should be investigated and prosecuted is the fact that people who were nominated to the Supreme Court stood up and said they believed in the rule of law and precedent, and then at first opportunity, changed direction by 180 degrees and are going for a full repeal of Roe.”

“I am angry because an extremist United States Supreme Court thinks that they can impose their extremist views on all of the women of this country and they are wrong,” Warren said outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday. “I am angry because we have reached the culmination of what Republicans have been fighting for, angling for decades now, and we are going to fight back.”

“I am angry because of who will pay the price for this,” Warren continued. She said that “wealthy women” won’t “pay the price,” but the “poorest women” and the “young women who have been abused” and “raped” will be harmed.

“I am here because I am angry,” Warren reiterated. She then called on Congress to pass a law codifying Roe v. Wade. The Senate voted down on February 28 an attempt to codify Roe v. Wade, however.

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