AOC Now Claims She Was Raped and “Grateful” That “Abortion Care” Was Available

In the wake of Friday’s US Supreme Court’s decision reversing a national abortion “rights” case, hundreds of people gathered in Union Square in New York City to listen and/or share their own stories of abortion and access to it — including Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).

AOC is a zealous opportunist who never lets any crisis go to waste, even if she has to make one up.

Cortez, who has been active in the public eye for 4 years, decided to drop a personal bombshell for her supporters and the radicals freaking out over the overturning of Roe v Wade & Casey.

For the first time, the 31-year-old junior U.S. House member from New York publically claimed she had been raped in her early 20s and was grateful that if she had become impregnated that abortion services were readily available.

Was she lying during one of her maniac outbursts, trying to get more national media coverage?

Only she knows, but AOC has a history of verbal lapses, exaggerations, and telling lies. Secondly, she is a politician, which is self-explanatory.

For example, AOC  exaggerated her ‘trauma’ from the Capitol riot experience, given that she was not at the site of the siege, but in an office building nearby.

After four weeks following the January 6th riots, Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was still repeatedly insisting that she feared for her life on the 6th, as a result of a “very close encounter.”

NY Post reported:

Ocasio-Cortez was in her office, which is located in the Cannon building when rioters stormed the Capitol. The building is part of the overall Capitol complex, but is not within the Capitol building itself.

She had been barricaded in her office for hours when a man who turned out to be a Capitol Police officer rushed into her office to direct her to a safer location for lawmakers.

The left uses rape and incest to justify their absurd arguments that women must have full, unfettered access to an abortion during all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason.

This is disingenuous though as Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

Here is the opportunist from NY herself:

I have no idea if AOC is telling the truth outside of her past actions, but if she was raped, I truly feel sorry for her.

Either way, using the story to gain political points is wrong to me from a moral point of view regardless.

A majority of Americans will do almost anything to help a woman who has been raped, but helping her kill the baby who had nothing to do with it, is not something millions of people will ever support.


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Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Eric Thompson
Conservative independent talk show host and owner of USMC Veteran fighting daily to preserve Faith – Family – Country values in the United States of America. Check out my podcast –

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