‘After meeting Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, it felt like someone shut off the lights to my soul.’Epstein-Maxwell victim Sarah Ransome reveals she attempted suicide TWICE after being locked up in ‘dungeon of hell’ as Ghislaine gets 20 years prison

One of Jeffery Epstein’s victims outlined the abuse she suffered in her victim impact statement, revealing she tried to kill herself twice after being locked up in Ghislaine Maxwell‘s dungeon as the British socialite was jailed.  

Sarah Ransome, 37, said in her victim impact statement, released on Tuesday, she once tried jumping off a cliff while at Epstein’s St. Little James private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands. 

She spoke hours before Maxwell was jailed for 20 years at a Brooklyn court on Tuesday after apologizing to Epstein’s victims, while claiming the pedophile had hoodwinked her too. 

Ransome was only 22 when she was taken into Epstein’s sex trafficking ring 

Ransome said she was only 22 years old when she arrived in New York with hopes of attending the Fashion Institute of Technology. 

She said she was targeted by an Epstein-Maxwell recruiter named Natalya Malyshev in a club, who arranged for her to meet the billionaire who allegedly promised to help provide financial support for her to attend her dream school. 

‘Epstein and Maxwell were masters at finding young, vulnerable girls and young women to exploit’ Ransome said.  

‘However, soon after lulling me and others into a false sense of comfort and security, they pounced, ensnaring us in their upside-down, twisted world of rape, rape and more rape. 

‘Like Hotel California, you could check into the Epstein-Maxwell dungeon of sexual hell, but you could never leave. Ghislaine by her own hand, forced me into Epstein’s room to be raped.’ 

Although Ransome was able to escape for the UK in 2007, she said she began drinking heavily as she was constantly haunted by what happened to her, fearing that ‘someday Epstein and Maxwell would harm me, my loved ones and my family, as Epstein repeatedly told me would happen, if I ever dared to leave.’ 

The trauma suffocated Ransome to the point where she attempted to kill herself a year later as Epstein was facing trial, and then making another attempt at her own life in 2018, during her case against Maxwell and other Epstein associates. 

‘Despite my earnest effort, I have not realized my God-given potential professionally or entered healthy personal relationships,’ Ransome said. ‘I have never married and do not have children, something I always wished for, even as a little girl. 

‘I shy away from strangers and have difficulty making new friends because I fear they could be associated with Epstein, Maxwell and the enablers. 

‘To this day, I attend AA meetings, but I have had numerous relapses and know that only by the grace of God do I continue to live,’ she added. ‘Maxwell is today the same woman I met almost 20 years ago – incapable of compassion or common human decency.’  

Ransome she began to drink heavily after her experiences with Epstein and Maxwell, and constantly feared that the pedophile would find her and her family after she managed to escape 

Victims Annie Farmer and the woman known only as ‘Kate’ are also due to read their testimony in person and face down Maxwell. Farmer was seen arriving to the Manhattan courthouse Tuesday morning flanked by her lawyer, along with Ransome and victim Elizabeth Stein.

Ransome also spoke outside of the courthouse, and said, ‘Ghislaine must die in prison. I’ve been in hell and back for the past 17 years.’ 

Elizabeth Stein spoke out about the horrifying ‘trauma’ she suffered at the hands of late billionaire Epstein and his former madam Maxwell, 60, while reading a victim impact statement at the socialite’s sentencing hearing in New York on Tuesday – when the former madam was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison. 

In her statement, Stein recalled being ‘assaulted, raped and trafficked countless times’ during a three-year period after Epstein – who died in prison in 2019 – and Maxwell lured her into their sex trafficking ring by ‘seizing upon her vulnerability’. 

She eventually got pregnant at the hands of one of the men and chose to abort the baby. Stein still remains ‘unsure’ who got her pregnant. 

I was assaulted, raped and trafficked countless times in New York and Florida during a three year period,’ Stein’s statement – seen by DailyMail.com – reads. 

‘At one point I became pregnant (by whom I am unsure) and aborted the baby. Things happened that were so traumatizing that to this day I’m unable to speak about them; I don’t even have the vocabulary to describe them.’ 

Stein recalled her years-long attempts to escape Maxwell and Epstein, having first been lured into their horrifying world when she was a senior at FIT in New York City and working as a sales associate at Henri Bendel. 

It was there that she first met the socialite, who introduced her to Epstein at the Pierre Hotel the very same day they met. 

‘That night in the hotel was the first of many times they sexually assaulted me,’ she revealed. 

According to Stein, when she graduated from college, she desperately tried to ‘leave Epstein and Maxwell and the abuse they perpetrated against me behind as I started my professional life’ with a job at Bloomingdales. 

However, she says that Maxwell ultimately tracked her down in the department store in the fall of 1995, recalling how the socialite ‘immediately began befriending me once again’. 

After meeting Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, it felt like someone shut off the lights to my soul

‘She immediately began befriending me once again, asking me to go out socially,’ Stein recounted. 

‘I tried to resist but eventually she wore me down and I began spending time with them again. They made me feel like they were friends, contemporaries.’

It was then that the pair whisked her away to Florida – and ‘insisted that she stay longer than planned’ which resulted in her being fired from her job at Bloomingdales. 

‘Seizing on this new vulnerability, they began trafficking me to their friends. By that time, I was trapped,’ she shared, explaining that Maxwell and Epstein threatened to kill her if she ever told anyone what had happened to her. 

‘In the most literal sense of the word, Epstein and Maxwell terrified me,’ she said. ‘They told me that if I told anyone, nobody would believe me and if they did, they would kill me and the people closest to me.

‘After meeting Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, it felt like someone shut off the lights to my soul.’

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