Desperate Woke Military Now Accepting Recruits With ADHD And Other Behavioral Issues

The U.S. Military has traditionally been able to reach its recruitment quotas in the various branches of the armed services.

In addition to the military personnel chosen to go into the field receiving top-notch sales and recruitment training from companies like IBM; attractive financial bonuses, the choice of duty station, and guaranteed promotions have been tools available when needed.

But since the Biden administration started infusing woke ideology in the ranks, many young Americans are saying, “no thank you. They could deal with the pressures of fighting to protect our nation, but will not volunteer to be lectured about diversity and systemic racism.

This is leading to the military struggling to meet its recruiting goals across pretty much every branch.

As a result, the Military is now going to start accepting recruits they would not have accepted otherwise.

“Last August the Army started giving new recruits who exceed body fat standards or failed academic entrance standards a chance to serve as the service faces a daunting recruiting crisis.”

“The service launched two pilot programs at Fort Jackson, South Carolina: one for recruits who are slightly too overweight to serve and another for those who did not score high enough on the SAT-style exam required to enlist.”

Now Accepting Recruits With ADHD And Other Behavioral Issues

From the Wall Street Journal:

“Under the new rules, a potential recruit who has completed high school or college or successfully held a job without counseling or medication for three years for ADHD would be able to enlist.”

“That symptom-free period “is reassuring that they would make it through their initial entry training and hopefully have a successful military career,” said Army Lt. Col. Kim Helgemoe, a member of Pentagon’s Accession Policy, an office that sets medical admissions standards across the force.”

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