First 12 Actions the GOP Should Take Once Taking Control Of US House

Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit published his wish list for the new GOP House majority to pursue in 2023.

The GOP is expected to take over the US House of Representatives in 2023 next week.  Here are the first 10 actions they should take after taking control. 

1. Launch an investigation into Biden Crime Family – based on extensive evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop

2. Investigate Joe Biden for violating his own Sexual Predator-Groper Bill.

3. Demand tax returns from Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Chuck Schumer, and Hunter Biden.

4. Release and make public all video footage – the 14,000 hours of hidden video – taken on January 6, 2021 at the US Capitol.

5. Demand the FBI, DOJ, Capitol Police, etc. release information on the dozens if not hundreds of federal operatives working inside the crowd and organizing violence on January 6, 2021.

6. Demand a copy of the affidavit and all supporting documentation for the Biden DOJ-FBI raid on President Trump’s home. 

7. Get all of former Speaker Pelosi’s emails, text messages, her film crew’s footage, and records related to the 2020 election and Jan 6

8. Remove Ilhan Omar, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell from their committee assignments.  Investigate them.

9. Begin immediate investigation into Democrat dark money and the many corrupt Democrat-linked NGOs that they use to skirt US laws.

10. Begin an investigation and audit of all money sent to and from Ukraine, especially money related to the Bidens and other corrupt politicians.  And the related donations to Democrats from FTX crypto company.

11. Immediately obtain and release Adam Schiff’s interview with corrupt former ICIG Atkinson during the first Trump impeachment sham

12. Investigate all actors related to the attempted coup of President Trump starting with the Russia collusion sham. 

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