Abortion Pill Kills 19-Year-Old Girl, Causes Septic Shock That Ended Her Life

A 19-year-old Canadian woman died along with her unborn baby after taking the abortion pill last year, a leading Canadian pro-life organization discovered this week.

The tragic news comes as abortion activists push to expand the abortion drug mifepristone across the U.S. and Canada, claiming it’s “safer than Tylenol.” In actuality, the drug has been linked to the deaths of millions of unborn babies and dozens of mothers.

In the latest case, records from Health Canada show that a 19-year-old woman died of septic shock after taking the abortion drug, according to Campaign Life Coalition.

The government document shows that, on July 4, 2022, a hospital reported a 19-year-old female used the abortion drug Mifegymiso and died of “septic shock,” a known risk of the drug. Mifegymiso is a brand name for mifepristone, or RU-486, coupled with a second drug, misoprostol, which are used to abort unborn babies up to about 10 weeks.

The young woman’s death is believed to be the first maternal death linked to the abortion drug since it became available in Canada in 2017. A second woman died of septic shock in 2001 during Canadian trials for the drug; the trials were halted as a result, according to the coalition.

Although abortion activists claim the drug is extremely safe for women, reports of women’s deaths, data, and studies show the opposite to be true. Even the Health Canada government website warns women that the abortion drug has serious risks, including death.

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