“Any Republican That Doesn’t Act on Democrat Fraud Should be Immediately Primaried and Get Out” – Trump

There hasn’t been a politician in modern history able to engage a crowd to like the 45th President of The United States.

During tonight’s rally in Erie, PA, Trump laid out an ultimatum for GOP members serving in congress.

President Trump: “Any Republican that doesn’t act on Democrat fraud should be immediately primaried and get out. Out.

And we have some, you know, you show them the fact. 10 million here, 10 million there. This came in, that came in, that came in. “Oh, that’s too bad. But we have to worry about other things.”

You don’t have to worry about other things. You’ve got to stop it. You got to stop it. They play a different game. These people are corrupt as hell, and they play a different game. They play a much tougher game of hardball. And the Republicans have to play like these two guys and these three people, actually four people that we have They have to play tough.

And honestly, and if they’re not willing to do it, we got a lot of good, tough Republicans around, then people are going to run against them, and people are going to win.”

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