“Overwhelming”: Hundreds Show Up To Support Christian Author after Woke Libraries Tried to Cancel Him

Famous Christian actor Kirk Cameron has recently been touring different locations around the country to perform story hours for young children. 

During the story hours, Cameron reads his new book “As You Grow” published by Brave Books.

These readings have proven to be very popular, as massive lines form outside the events where parents and their children are eager to hear the Christian message in Cameron’s book. 

At a recent reading at a Southern California library, it is reported there were nearly 1000 attendees.

The Daily Wire reported:

On Saturday, the 52-year-old actor hosted a story time at the Placentia Library, about 30 miles outside of Los Angeles, where his publisher told the Washington Examiner around 1,000 parents and kids showed up to hear the new book.

“All the forces of darkness are no match for moms and dads who are committed to God, and to their family, and to teaching their children,” Cameron told the crowd during the reading.

Despite obvious demand from thousands of families around the country, many libraries are refusing to host the actor’s story hour.  Apparently, Cameron and his publisher reached out to dozens of libraries around the country to plan story hours and were initially rejected by all of them.

Get more information on this story >>”>HERE >>>


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